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Radio Agakiza
"Kw' Isoko Y' ukuri"
Radio Agakiza was created with the ultimate objective of enlarging the gospel work in Burundi. The idea which gave birth to Radio Agakiza was born in 2001, after Adventist World Radio delegation emphasized through the communication department the need for this great instrument of spreading the three angels’ message. The governmentlicense for exploiting the Radio in Burundi was given on 14th June; 2004. Then Radio Agakiza started to air its programs as of 23rdFebruary; 2007 at 08h: 30 in the morning. Currently our coverage area is about 50%, with our Inanzerwe project 2018 we hope to extend it to 55%. But our ultimate goal is to cover more than 75% of the entire population of Burundi and beyond by 2020.